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Help us improve by giving us your feedback!
Your feedback is invaluable to us. That's why we've created this short survey that will help us improve your MediaFire experience. The survey is only 16 questions long and should take you no more than than a couple of minutes to complete. We will be selecting random survey takers and offering a free one year upgrade to MediaPro, so be sure to check your email that you use for your MediaFire login over the coming weeks. Simply click the button below and get started on the survey which will open in a new window.

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MediaPro Only Feature
(Click here to find out more)
The downloads column on your MyFiles page is calculated based on the number of downloads initiated and is not an exact measure of traffic or completed downloads. The advanced statistics available through this page and through your My Account page are highly accurate measures of unique downloads and data transfers. The numbers may not be exactly the same because the different ways they are tracked but if you require accurate statistics, use these Advanced Statistics.

Important Note:
Advanced Statistics are only available for files downloaded after you became a MediaPro customer. For this reason, not all of your files will have available statistics.

For more information on this topic, please see the related knowledge base article.